not my finest moment.

saturday, august 24th, 2024.

Well, it finally happened to me. I was riding the e-bike to go pick up the little one from school yesterday afternoon when some yee-yee kid with a broccoli haircut driving the other way on a two-way street decided to "scare" me by swerving his cherry red bullnose Ford F-150 pickup truck aggressively at me like he was gonna run me over.

After the shock of having my life threatened and realizing it was just some punk kid, having locked eyes with him in the process, I turned my bike right around to give chase and get a photograph of his license plate. This kid BOOKED it through the neighborhood blowing through two stop signs to get away from me.

So, yeah. I didn't get a photograph of his license plate, but I guess I put the fear of god right back into that kid after he made the snap decision to threaten my life with his multi-ton vehicle.

Not my finest moment.

Ordinarily, I'm a live and let live kinda guy, but this kid's default instinct when seeing a bicyclist coming the other way was to swerve his truck at them?

My deepest hope is that he grows out of that instinct and becomes a person capable of empathy for other people, but I feel like his current reality is a far cry away from that. So my shallow hope is that this kid booked it back home to hide his pickup and spent the evening worried that I'd cruise by his house and report him to the police. Or whatever other thing a tattoo'd fellow who'd instantly U-turn and give chase would do in his mind.

Sometimes ya need a little more stick than carrot to act right when you're a teenager with a license hot from the printing press and daddy's truck.

OK, thanks for indulging me during that little rant of mine. It felt real good to let go of that anger I felt in the moment by putting the words on the proverbial paper.

I promise I'll act right and not let it eat me up too much!

Until next time, be well. :)