the grocery getter.

sunday, may 19th, 2024.

Our Electra Ponto Go! with front rack and frame bag.

I've got to admit, the e-bike we got last week, an Electra Ponto Go!, has been so much fun to have around. My wife's been bringing our little one to school on it and even took it to a doctor's appointment a few miles away. I've found that it's been really nice for those quick little errands that seem to pop up. Grabbing pizza for a rainy Friday night, a wrist brace from Walgreens, and later this morning, some breakfast makings so I can cook up a hearty breakfast for the whole crew.

I went ahead and got a front rack, frame bag, and cargo net for the e-bike to make it a little easier to do a small grocery run on it. Surprisingly, I was able to fit two large pizzas on the front rack. I must've looked awful silly riding home with those pizzas and a big ol' smile on my face— I saw someone out walking and they actually laughed a little as I rode by. I can't help it! This e-bike is just a joy to ride on!

It's almost summer break for the kiddos. My oldest is about to be a junior in high school and it's hard to believe, sometimes. I've certainly got to cherish our time together while we've got it! There'll be many trips to the lake, just like last year, and we're also planning on going to visit my folks on the coast of North Carolina.

This weekend has been real nice, though. The whole crew is in town, we've been playing the board game Ticket to Ride and going for walks to the nearby bookstore, and my heart has been so full! Ordinarily, this weekend would be my mowin' the yard weekend, but I've been convinced to spread out the mowing a little farther by the No Mow May movement. Our yard had so many dandelions, bees, and dragonflies buzzing earlier this month! I don't know how effective not mowing is for actually helping the native pollinators, but seeing all that seemed pretty convincing.

Anyway, my folks are dropping by to see the kids later today and I've still got to drop by the grocery store to pick up a few things (on my e-bike!), so I'm going to finish off this cup of coffee and get movin'!

Until next time, be well! :)