one more week of 2023.

sunday, december 24th, 2023.

Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana.

Wow, this year has flown by. It seems like just yesterday I was planning on all the things I was gonna do this year.

Today is Christmas Eve and I've got nothing on the ol' docket until tonight when we put the toys out for the little one to discover tomorrow morning. I might go for a run in a little bit, plus tonight we might go driving to look at Christmas lights in the next town over for maximum Christmas hype. Other than that— I'm just enjoying the downtime. Plenty of gaming and reading and very much not thinking about work. Things will definitely get busier later this week when the girls come to stay and we've got six people in the house.

Grandpa and the little one are definitely having a great time together. Can you believe that Friday, when she knew grandpa was coming, she decided to wear her "I love grandpa" shirt? My heart 🥺

I stayed up way too late last night watching a Not Just Bikes video about pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure in Montreal. It was interesting and definitely worth the watch, but I am kinda kicking myself over staying up past midnight. I'd really rather not let my sleep schedule slide to the right like it was before the daylight savings time change.

Side note— I've almost hit 100 posts this year!

-bash-5.2$ find writing/2023* -type f | wc -l

Not quite the #100DaysToOffload challenge, but that's still a lot of writing! It's certainly not something I set out to do, but it's a neat little milestone just the same.

I suppose that's all for now! I'm sure as the new year approaches, I'll reflect on things that happened in 2023 and make some resolutions for 2024. Perhaps a little less ambitious, this time. I've definitely checked off the "worry less and enjoy the journey" box!

Until next time, be well! :)