a leisurely labor day.

monday, september 4th, 2023.

It's Labor Day today, and we are taking things nice and slow. For some reason, I've woken up with a killer headache which is putting a serious damper on my desire to do things today. We're planning on going to the lake just the same, since today's the unofficial "last day of summer" in a way. edit: scratch that, I think we'll stay home, take things easy, and maybe watch a movie tonight. Sometimes it's nice to scratch plans that you're not feeling anymore! I am gonna have a nice, hot bath, though!

This morning started out with a bit of thinkin'— the mess of artificial intelligence on the Internets has brought about a little discussion on my group's Discord server. Maggie Appleton's essay, "The Expanding Dark Forest and Generative AI," comes to mind.

I've also been reorganizing my game collection a bit, based on the thoughts about gaming I wrote about last week. I think I'm coming to terms with the fact that I've tired of Diablo IV's grindiness. I really enjoyed it when I first started playing, but the grinding has overstayed its welcome and gotten dull. Been playing Ultima IV on the NES and Civilization VI, American Truck Simulator, and Into The Breach on the computer. I broke my streak of not buying computer games by spending $3 to buy Ultima I-VI on GOG.com.

Last night, my partner was watching The Try Guys podcast, and they were discussing better sleep habits so we took a stab at stretching before bed. That felt really good. I think I'm gonna stick with that, and maybe toss in a little meditation and leaving my phone out of the bedroom again, too.

I suppose that's all for now! Until next time, be well. :)