a surprising event response.

monday, may 27th, 2024.

The last couple of group bike rides for our fledgling bicycle advocacy organization have been cancelled due to stormy weather, but it looks like the weather should be perfect for a group ride next Saturday. So I pressed a little harder than usual to get the word out— I posted it in a couple of local groups and put down $20 in Facebook advertisement for the event. I've also written to the local newspaper editor to get it in the community calendar sometime next week.

So far, we've had 26 people RSVP as either "going" or "interested" for our upcoming ride. I am positively beside myself with giddiness at the prospect that even half that number shows up! I've even gotten emails excitedly hoping for some weekday evening rides, which I'd love to do.

Is this crazy idea finally getting off the ground? Gosh, I hope so. Sometimes it's hard to keep yourself going when you feel like nobody's listening, but it's looking like folks might actually care about cycling here in the suburb-without-a-city.

I suppose that's all for now! Until next time, be well. :)