christmas below tristram.

monday, december 25th, 2023.

It's Christmas, and the den is absolutely bedlam with all the little one's toy wrappers and LEGO blocks all over the place. She's going back and forth between all of her toys and absolutely stoked to be celebrating. Excited to show us all her drawings and the things she's built. I wouldn't have it any other way!

In a little while, I'll reheat the stroganoff I cooked us for dinner last night. It's been a quiet, rainy Christmas at home and we've been just delightfully lazy all day. What a way to spend the holiday!

I picked up the original Diablo on sale from today for $8. Somehow I've played the other games in the Diablo series, but never the first. Figured today was a good day to revisit the series' roots and drop into the town of Tristram.

A screenshot of Diablo.

I wound up plopping the game data file into the DevilutionX fan-made game engine, since it supports widescreen resolution and running natively on Linux.

Wow, the original Diablo is a lot grittier and simplistic than its sequels! In all the best ways. I don't have to manage a skill tree or armor sets. It's point, click, and quaff a heal potion every now and then. Plus, I don't have to dial in to Blizzard's service to play a single player game.

Gotta say— Christmas is a great day to be stuck indoors by rain.

"Let it rain / let it rain / let it rain!"

Anyhoo, I should probably think of getting dinner reheated— I'm gettin' hungi!

Until next time, be well. Merry Christmas! :)