feeling merry for christmas.

sunday, december 10th, 2023.

Stockings hung from our mantle.

Christmas is 15 days away and I'm actually looking forward to it a lot this year. In years past, the commercialism of the holiday really got me feeling down and curmudgeonly. Something really clicked this year, probably settling in with my partner and seeing the little one losing her goddamn mind about the holidays if I'm being honest!

We went ahead and got our shopping done before Thanksgiving this year, favoring local shops over the big box retailers and ordering online. Seeing the independent toy store owner's husband's face lighting up when he was recommending toys for the kiddos really got me in the spirit.

Really, I'm just looking forward to spending a lot of time with my family as the year winds down. The weather is finally getting colder and seasonable, which encourages us to be indoors a little more enjoying each others' company. The bike rides at sunrise have really made my heart smile, feeling the crisp air on my face and seeing the frost on my wheel as I look forward to a hot shower and a warm mug of coffee.


All the bicycle advocacy continues marching forward, of course. Next Friday, I'll be meeting with the city's community and economic development director for introductions and get a feel for how our yet-to-be-formed nonprofit can work with the city to improve active transportation and maybe encourage the formation of a downtown area where none currently exists.

Last Monday, the mayor actually called on me to speak in front of everyone about my thoughts on the existing bike infrastructure since there was a transportation resolution on the agenda. That was pretty rad. Got to speak with the mayor and public works director after the meeting and it seems like they've already been planning on improving bicycle infrastructure. What a serendipitous time to be getting involved with this sort of thing!

Watching a hockey game.

This weekend has been pretty busy so far. Yesterday, we went to the Christmas parade and a hockey game. Back when the Atlanta Thrashers were a thing, I used to be a pretty die-hard hockey fan. Even played in the beer leagues! It was real nice to watch a game again. The little one had a blast screaming at the top of her lungs.

Today it's heavy rain and thunderstorms, so we'll be staying at home, playing video games, doing laundry, and I'll probably degrease my bicycle drivetrain. The new Studio Ghibli film, The Boy and the Heron, is out in theaters for a short while, so we might try and make it out to that if we're feeling particularly adventurous.

But staying at home could be nice, too. We got all our grocery shopping out of the way yesterday, so we don't have to get out in the messy weather!

I suppose that's all for now. Until next time, be well! :)