fun with dithering.
wednesday, september 20th, 2023.
I decided to play around with dithering a bit using two of the pictures I posted Monday:
Posting pictures as dithered PNGs to my website is a bit of an aesthetic choice, modeled after LOW←TECH MAGAZINE's dithering as well as a bunch of other smol websites. For my own twist, I decided to import the NES palette into GIMP and use that to do my dithering. Instructions are available for importing a palette into GIMP and dithering images to a specific palette.
Once downsized and limited to the NES palette, they're quite a bit smaller than the original JPEG images. Here's a comparison showing the file sizes in bytes between this post's dithered PNGs and the JPEGs that I posted Monday:
-bash-5.2$ stat -f "%6z%t%N" \
> marin_muirwoods.* \
> music_midtown_2023.*
115368 marin_muirwoods.jpg
37473 marin_muirwoods.png
96608 music_midtown_2023.jpg
30854 music_midtown_2023.png
A reduction to a third of their original sizes! That's not bad at all. Not many of the images I've posted on this website fit under 40KB!
I also found a little CSS trick to make sure that the images scale without blurring:
img.dithered {
image-rendering: pixelated;
image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: crisp-edges;
Lospec has a ton of palettes that are calling my name something fierce, but I think I might stick with the NES palette as my dithering choice for now and see how I like it.
Until next time, be well! :)