phew (cleaned out the house).
sunday, february 26th, 2023.
I've been cleaning out our old house this weekend and I am pooped. I wrapped up the majority of it today so the painters can start tomorrow. Everything is sore, but I did the thing!
I held onto a lot of photographs & sensitive paperwork and threw out a lot of things I've been accumulating over the years. It was cathartic in a way, but also: if I ever get the inclination to start a new hobby— I should just let that thought pass. There was just so much stuff.
I haven't had a printer since I moved out of the house, but I snagged our old Brother laser printer and got it set up tonight. I'm so glad these things are so reliable! It printed a test page no problem after sitting in a closet for years.
That's about all for now. Until next time, be well! :)